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RX 450

Our RX 450 frames are used for both doors — with single- or double-leaf construction — and windows — with single- or multi-leaf construction — in open joint or double rebate seal versions, coplanar outside and overlapping inside. This special seal easily meets the most stringent requirements and offers greater insulation from external agents, thus improving the energy performance of your home.

Richiesta informazioni

    Casement, fixed glass, tilting, tilt and turn, or parallel sliding windows may be installed.


    • Air permeability: UNI EN 12207 (Class 3)
    • Water permeability: UNI EN 12208 (Class 5A)
    • Wind permeability: UNI EN 12210 (Class C3)
    • Thermal insulation:
    • Noise reduction:


    Main dimensions:

    • Fixed frame: 45 o 53 (coplanar)
    • Movable frame: 45 or 53 mm (coplanar)
    • Counterframe: 40
    • Interior and exterior perimeter seal: 5
    • Accessories housing: unified chamber space 14 mm.
    • Corner joint: button, pin, or crimp-on bracket.
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