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Nusco SpA è leader nella produzione di porte, infissi, grate e persiane di sicurezza.
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Texture dress for your home

Texture dress for your home

Simple design and smooth and delicate characteristics of these products with strong involvement of the senses, thanks to the properties of fabric materials, pleasant to the touch and to the eye, just like a dress high fashion.

The special processing and uniformity of finish give strength and solidity to make lasting and aesthetically pleasing that the size of the door.

Main features of these products:

  • The panels are made without the hinged door stop with an outer edge in ABS
  • The frame is in abutment sole, able to accommodate the panel flush
  • The beads are asymmetric, 10 and 7
  • Hinge pivot square, matt chrome finish
  • Magnetic lock, matt chrome finish

Available in two models, dress (essences light and dark) and white ash, which lend elegance and exclusivity to every room in the house.

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