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Nusco SpA è leader nella produzione di porte, infissi, grate e persiane di sicurezza.
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The quality of a product can not ‘regardless of the preservation of the health of the environment. For this reason that Nusco SpA engages in the daily environment and has worked very hard over the years to get the most important certifications on compliance with environmental regulations. The company’s commitment is to raise awareness among vendors and employees to improve their behavior in terms of environmental impact. The Nusco SpA is committed to minimizing the environmental impact derived from the execution of the services requested to suppliers, who are selected in relation to their compliance with the regulations on environmental protection.
The company measures the environmental performance of daily and every year sets objectives for improvement in terms of reducing energy consumption. Periodic evaluations are carried out on the resources used in the production process (both raw materials and packaging), which are subject to intervention improvement over the environmental compatibility, for instance through the use of eco-friendly material and reducing the consumption of packaging.
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